发布日期:2024-12-20 16:55 点击次数:129
There is never been a real Oriental dance with leader-directed group improvisations like those that characterize American Tribal. "Over There" when everyone gets up and dances, in his/ her own personal space (think disco), they are not following a leader and doing the same steps. It is not the Electric Slide.
I enjoy good American Tribal, but I coined the term "California Tribal" in the mid 1990s, when I was in San Francisco, CA and several local dancers said: "I do 'tribal'. It is authentic. 'Cabaret' is too low-class." My answer was: "I have been just about everywhere 'Over There' and seen over 250 different 'tribes', both Berber and Bedu over the years. None do or wear anything even vaguely resembling what you're calling 'tribal', so which 'California Tribal' to me!"
They may have gotten their "tribal" vest and camel fringe costuming ideas from photos of my vests and the long, tasseled ribbons swinging from under my very beaded belts back when I wore that style , which was inspired by the costume copied from old lithographs and embellished on for my "Anitra's Dance" in the film "Song of Norway" (1969).
They firmly believed that their costumes, consisting of opaque skirts over pants, with only coin belts and bras with vests were "tribal “,not “cabaret" and, according to their teacher, more authentic than thou! While they often modestly covered their legs, with shalvar under their full skirts, they certainly showed their abdomens in public, which would never happen in real shaabil folk. What was being put forth as authentic technique was incorrect and physically injurious." It distorted many dancers' bodies, shortening their careers. When they asked why they had back pain or lopsided musculature, they were told: "That is the price you pay for being a dancer". Criminal.
Thank heavens, many saw the light and corrected their technique!
I made and edited my first Super 8 research films, showed them at my seminars here and started bringing American dancers to the Folk Festival in Marrakesh (and a bit later, to Egypt) to show them the real thing. I still call that now almost obsolete style "California Tribal" [sic]—a separate category-to distinguish it from American Tribal, also invented here (by Carolena Nericcio) but totally other, later, better constructed. I like the fact that it gives those too shy to consider dancing solo the joy of a mostly group experience and “alternative “glamor . American, fantasy,but, as I have said ,”Good theater is good theater !”
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